Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Smart Party

A quick bit of news/trivia...

It appears the recent Labour Party Conference was held at the Midland Hotel, Manchester. The same hotel which doubled as the 'Ganymede Holiday Inn' for various scenes in the episode 'Stasis Leak'.


Ian Symes said...

Status Leak, eh? No kidding.

Karl said...

Damn my typing.

Yet I use my ultimate creator powers to return in time and smite the 'u' from its worthless existence.

Anonymous said...

It's still wrong though.

Karl said...

Eh? How so?

Anonymous said...

Well, very, very basically, putting it as simply as I can for your average layman to comprehend, it's a leak, right, *in* stasis, hence the name "a stasis leak".

You've spelt it "statis".

Karl said...

Oh ****!